Nature's Natives,  Climate, Water, Oil Spill, Greenhouse Effect, Photosynthesis, Water Cycle, Nutrient Cycle, Nutrition, Nitrogen Cycle, Carbon Cycle, Peace of Mind, Nature, Environment, Sun, ozone, oxygen, carbon dioxide, carbon, bacteria, iron, magnesium, calcium 
Nature's Natives,  Climate, Water, Oil Spill, Greenhouse Effect, Photosynthesis, Water Cycle, Nutrient Cycle, Nutrition, Nitrogen Cycle, Carbon Cycle, Peace of Mind, Nature, Environment, Sun, ozone, oxygen, carbon dioxide, carbon, bacteria, iron, magnesium, calcium 
Nature's Natives,  Climate, Water, Oil Spill, Greenhouse Effect, Photosynthesis, Water Cycle, Nutrient Cycle, Nutrition, Nitrogen Cycle, Carbon Cycle, Peace of Mind, Nature, Environment, Sun, ozone, oxygen, carbon dioxide, carbon, bacteria, iron, magnesium, calcium 
The Sun's rays take about 
8 minutes to get to Earth.
Some of the rays bounce all the way back into space.
Some of the rays get trapped in the air by invisible 
greenhouse gasses.
Greenhouse gasses stop the heat rays from going into space. Greenhouse gasses trap heat in our air.
Now, our water and land are hotter.
Because of the GHE we have a planet that is warm enough to live on.
Our challenge is to make sure there are not too many greenhouse gases in the air.
The Greenhouse Effect (GHE) happens naturally and gives us a warm planet to live on. The GHE warms our air and water because of the interaction of Sun rays and greenhouse gases.

The greenhouse effect starts with the Sun.
Most of the rays 
bounce off the ground. Sun rays bounce like a ball.
Carbon dioxide, water vapor and methane trap the rays.
The gasses send the heat back to the land and oceans.
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The Sun sends out its rays to Earth.
8 minutes.
Sunrays bounce like a ball.
High bouncing rays.
Some rays go back into the air after the ground is warmed. 
Carbon dioxide, water vapor and methane are greenhouse gasses.
Greenhouse gasses stop the heat rays from going into Space.
The gasses send the heat back down.
We have a warm enough planet to live on.
Nature's Natives® is a simplified representation of how nature works.

It is About Air, Food, Water and Climate...for Today and Tomorrow